Sunday Bulletin - January 7, 2024 (#1457)
Sunday service (Live stream link)
WELCOME: Alan Cheng
Lord’s Prayer
MESSAGE Lifeof a Spirit-filled Church (Acts 2:42-47), Min. K C Wong
OFFERING (Malachi 3:10)
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
Please, no food or drinks allowed
in the sanctuary at any time.
Join us!
SUNDAY SERVICE 9:45am – 11:00am
SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15am - 12:30pm
FRIDAY CELL GROUPS 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Enkrateia– Room 106
Biblios– Room 101
Awakening - Hope Center
Sisters - Online (Tuesdays @ 7:30pm - 9pm)
Men- Online (starts 8pm)
Hope Center Sanctuary
154-02 41st Ave, Flushing NY 11354
Wednesdays @ 7:30pm – 8:30pm Online
Sundays @ 9:15am – 9:45am
Sundays @ 10:05am - Room 103
Sundays @ 11:15am - Room 103
Hope Center: (718) 886-9911
Feel free toask Rev. Greg any questions.
Praise & Prayers
✞ Pray for Min. K C Wong ashe will be preaching at the EM worship service today.
✞ From January 1st, 2024, Awakening Church and Hope Center English Ministry will merge and become ONE church under the name, Faith Bible English Ministry. The new Sunday service will begin with: Prayer Meeting at 9:15 am; worship at 9:45 am till 11:00 am. “Stronger together” is our theme with the vision to be an impact to the various congregational needs and the communities. Pastor Greg, Pastor Jeddy and minister KC will work together as a team to bring forth an effective English Ministry to serve this and the next generations of Christ followers. We prayerfully ask that all of us lift up EM in our prayers and look forward to a rewarding and exciting year ahead!
✞ Rev. Jeddy is recovering at home. Please remember him in your prayers for his pain relief, fever reducing, quality rest, and full speedy recovery.
✞ Praise God for our newly baptized family members Emily and Chris! Thanks to Min. KC for leading them through Christianity 101 class for many months. Pray for Chris, as he will be giving his testimony soon.
✞ Praise the Lord that UZ and Jia Yi have decided to follow Jesus! Thanks to Min. Rosie for leading them through Christianity 101 class during the past several months. Please pray for them as they are preparing to be baptized in early 2024.
✞ Please continue to pray for Joshua, Dylan, Shawn and Nicolas as they are preparing to be baptized in early 2024. Thanks to Pastor Greg and Linda for leading them throughout the year.
✞ Faith Chinese School is accepting registration now for children ages three and above. Classes will start on February 3rd, 2024 every Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm at Hope Center (154-02 41st Ave., Flushing, NY 11354). Tuition: $350 per semester, $50 off for twoconsecutive semesters, and second child discount of $25 off per semester. Scan the QR code to register on our website or take a paper registration form to register. For details, please contact Sister Debbie (Tel: 7188869911, Email: Please pray for Sister Debbie and Chinese School Ministries.
✞ Pray for our FBC After School program. Thehours are every school day from 3-6 PM. The program offers intensive homework help, academic enrichment, arts and crafts. Monthly tuition is $300. For more information please call 646-801-5060 or email
Founder Min. Rosie
Teaching Pastor Rev. Jeddy Hao
Operations Pastor Rev. Gregory Woo 917-721-5844
Administrative Coordinator Min. K C Wong 718-644-8559
After School Coordinator Jacob Chee
Community Service Director Jonathan Su
Deacon Alan Cheng
Coming soon
Sunday school
The Book of Colossians: Lobby Area
The apostle Paul, with Timothy as his secretary, wrote this letter to Christians living in the small city of Colossae. It was probably written c. A.D. 62, while Paul was inprisonin Rome. This was about the same time he wrote Ephesians and Philemon. All 3 letters were sent with Tychicus and Onesimus.
Paul wrote to warn against some false teachings threatening the church at Colossae and to encourage the believers intheir growthtoward Christian maturity. He emphasizes Christ’s authority over all evil powers. Christians are united with the risen Christ, and therefore they share in his power and authority. Paul also encourages these believers to fight against sin, pursue holiness, and live as distinctively Christian households.
The main theme of the book is that Christ is Lord over all: Christ’s Lordship over the creation;
Christ’s Lordshipover thenew creation- church; Christ is Lord of all.
Colossians 1:18 is the key verse: “And he is thehead of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the first born from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. “
Membership Rm 101
Membership class gives you the basic vision, goals, and focus of our church. We detail and explain doctrine, hash out the inner workings so our church can function efficiently.
What’s going on
Ongoing Sundays Prayer Ministry: Sunday Morning
Sunday: 9:15am – Rise early and seek the Lord’s face at Sunday prayer meetings.
Leaders– Alan C. (1/7), Jacob (1/14), KC (1/21)
Ongoing Sundays Bible Study - The Book of Colossians: Sunday Morning
Sunday: 11:15am Leaders– Rosie (1/7 - 3:1-11), Yilin(1/14 - 3:12-4:1), KC (1/21 - 4:2-9),
Mark (1/28 - 4:10-18)
Ongoing Wednesdays Prayer Ministry: Wednesday Evening
Wednesday: 7:30 pm-8:30 pm – Ask Pastor Greg for a loginlink and password tojointhe Zoom prayer meeting.
Faith Chinese School (starting 02/03/24)
✞ Faith Chinese School is accepting registration now for children ages three and above. Classes will start on
February 3rd, 2024 every Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm at Hope Center (154-02 41st Ave., Flushing, NY
11354). Tuition: $350 per semester, $50 off for two consecutive semesters, and second child discountof $25
off per semester. Scan the QR code to registeronour websiteor take a paper registrationform toregister. For
details, please contact Sister Debbie (Tel: 7188869911, Email: